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Hoi An Pancakes – Banh Xèo

Any effort deserves comfort, and after a long and beautiful bike tour with Emily private tour, through the Vietnamese campaign to discover and share the everyday life of the inhabitants, it’s at Ms Emily house that we found it.


Indeed, there is something more pleasant that discover, cook then eat a delicious typically Vietnamese meal? Besides being a beautiful cuisine to see, the Vietnamese food is perfumed and light and it allows to be pleased while eating healthy food.
Today, Mr Hân and his family shares with us a Vietnamese speciality of the centre region and specially the city of Hoi An: Banh Xèo. These pancakes are an delicious combination of colors and flavors, to stir up several of your senses.
The most of these recipe? Easy to prepare, it’s also easy to reproduce at home, to take advantage of it one more time when you return in France and extend the pleasure of the sweetnesses vietnamesefor a brief moment.

+84905474246 Facebook messenger whatsapp: +84944100486 dieuhienquana@gmail.com